RIGHTMOVE trends show: MARCH is Strongest month to SELL

RIGHTMOVE trends show:  MARCH is Strongest month to SELL

RIGHTMOVE trends show:  MARCH as the strongest month to sell.

Analysis from Rightmove shows March has the highest number of buyer enquiries, per-property, based on data from the last 5 years.


New property listings are also at their peak in March, meaning there is the most competition between potential buyers, for an increased number of properties.

The early shoots of Spring are already emerging:

  • New property listings are UP 11% over the last 3weeks vs. last year.

  • Buyer demand is UP 32% over the last 3weeks vs. the same time last year.

  • Home valuation requests to Estate Agents are UP 27% since the start of the year.

Interestingly, searches for gardens have jumped 70% in two years, with more people wanting outdoor space.    

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source: Rightmove press release Feb2022.